Far out in the Stockholm archipelago's hostel Arholma North. Here is the sea,
cliffs and forest neighbors. In the middle of a fantastic nature reserve
throughout the Åland Sea on your doorstep you can enjoy the unspoiled nature
without cars, noise and stress. Soft cliffs, winding forest trails and a
military heritage characterize the site is today marked a historic building
This unique location allows us to offer you your own rock, kayaking, relaxing
coffee break, clear night sky, and sauna. You stay comfortably in 2-bed rooms,
single rooms or family rooms with shower / toilet in close proximity.
We serve a full breakfast and often lunch and dinner, depending on the
season. . We also have a large self-catering kitchen if you want to cook your
own food.
Avstånd: 1200 m fr Arholma brygga till Nord
Bagage: Körs på bestämda tider till/fr Nord
Fastlandshamn: Simpnäs Brygga norr om Norrtälje, Waxholmsbåt avgår året runt.
Stor parkering.
Buss: 676 från Stockholm till Norrtälje, byte till 636 mot Simpnäs brygga. Från
Simpnäs brygga avgår passbåt till Arholma. Bussar passar båtar.
Båt sommar: Waxholmsbåt från Strömkajen i Stockholm eller från Simpnäs brygga
till Arholma se waxholmsbolaget.se tabell 27 & 30. Även båt från Gräddö direkt
till Nord.
Båt höst/vår/vinter: Simpnäs brygga se tabell 30 hos waxholmsbolaget.se