The cabins costs 500, - NOK per day, 5 beds. Alternatively, 2 beds + new
Weekly price: 7.døgn is free, 2900, -
Monthly Rate: 25% discount, 8700, - NOK
I also have 3 beds to 300 / day
and a larger cabin with bathroom and kitchen and large covered terrace, 2 beds
that can be combined with the above. It costs 700 / day in combination with
another house, 900 / day alone.
The cabins are located between Commerce Park and the Customs Station in
From Sweden, E-18 against Norway, by the church in Töcksfors, turn right
towards Hån, run 1km. The water is on the left side, the cabins on the right
From Norway: Run E-18 over the limit. Turn left to Hån / Customs Station. The
cabins are located 1 km after the customs station, the old E-18
The cabins are located between Commerce Park and the Customs Station in
From Sweden, E-18 against Norway, by the church in Töcksfors, turn right
towards Hån, run 1km. The water is on the left side, the cabins on the right
From Norway: Run E-18 over the limit. Turn left to Hån / Customs Station. The
cabins are located 1 km after the customs station, the old E-18
The cabins are located between Commerce Park and the Customs Station in
From Sweden, E-18 against Norway, by the church in Töcksfors, turn right
towards Hån, run 1km. The water is on the left side, the cabins on the right
From Norway: Run E-18 over the limit. Turn left to Hån / Customs Station. The
cabins are located 1 km after the customs station, the old E-18
Ferienhaus zu mieten Schweden, Värmland, Töcksfors
Ferienhaus zu mieten Schweden, Värmland, Töcksfors
Ferienhaus zu mieten Schweden, Värmland, Töcksfors